You have the right to cancel your order within 14 days from the day you receive your product. After notifying us about the cancellation, you have 14 days to return the item/items.
To undo a purchase, the packaging and product must appear in mint condition and be completely unused so the product still can be sold. If the returned goods differ from the above, we reserve the right to make a reduced refund.
If you make use of your right to cancel an order within 14 days, we refund all your payments for the order including shipping costs (however, if you have chosen faster and more expensive delivery than our standard delivery, these extra costs will not be refunded). The money will be refunded with the same payment method/to the same card you have used for payment.
You always have the right to a minimum 2-year guarantee for faulty goods. If you wish to claim a valid error on an ordered item, please contact us as soon as possible after you have discovered the mistake.
Always contact our support at before returning goods, as the processing of your return case may otherwise be delayed.
If you are returning your goods after 14 days from you received the package, you must pay for the return of the package. If the fault is on our side, we will of course cover the expenses. Products returned unstamped or paid with a âcash on deliveryâ are refused receipt. When returning products, please use a distribution company that offers tracking - please don't use any alternative package distributors, this makes it impossible to track the item if these should be lost during return shipping. You should ship the item adequately packaged with a copy of the invoice and please state clearly the reason for the return on the return form.
Return address:
Copenhagen Grooming
Kildebrøndevej 42,
2670 Greve Strand
CVR: 39056526
You can also cancel your purchase by refusing the receipt of the shipment.
These return rules apply to all items sold as distance sales (and for private sales).
The webshop is powered by,
Copenhagen Grooming (Lmfha ApS)
Bispevej 4A,
2400 København NV,
Org. no: DK39056526
Phone +4578768484
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