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Das Beard Growth Kit + SideKick

Der einzigartige 3-Schritte-Prozess zur Förderung des Bartwuchses + Nahrungsergänzungsmittel.
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Versand nach: Österreich
Das Beard Growth Kit + SideKick


Mit dem Beard Growth Kit

Bilder, die von echten Kunden und Testpersonen geteilt wurden.









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Verwenden Sie das Beard Growth Kit für 150 Tage


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Förderung des Bartwuchses

Das Beard Growth Kit fördert den Bartwuchs durch die Kombination von Microneedling mit drei Wirkstoffen zur Stimulation der Gesichtsfollikel.

Die Mikrokanäle ermöglichen eine tiefere Serumabsorption und einen besseren Blutfluss.

Ermutigung der Follikel, in die Wachstumsphase einzutreten.

Die kombinierte Wirkung des Derma-Rollers und des Serums führt zu dichterem Bartwuchs.



In einer klinischen 150-Tage-Studie hat unser Beard Growth Kit beeindruckende Ergebnisse gezeigt:

Aktivierte neue Gesichtshaare
Dichterer Bartwuchs
Verbesserte Haardicke

The Kit includes


Der Sidekick enthält mehrere Vitamine, unter anderem Biotin, Zink und Selen, die zur Bartpflege beitragen

Beard Roller

Erweckt Haarfollikel durch Mikrokanäle, fördert die Blutzirkulation und optimiert die Serum-Absorption.


Stimuliert neues Bartwachstum, indem Haarfollikel in die aktive Wachstumsphase überführt werden.


Sorgt für eine effektive Reinigung des Beard Roller. Hergestellt aus milden Zutaten, um die Hautsicherheit zu gewährleisten.

Keychain Comb

Hergestellt aus einer Mischung aus Aluminium- und Zinklegierung, wird dieser kleine, robuste Helfer deinen Bart niemals im Stich lassen.


Was zu erwarten ist

Wichtigste Inhaltsstoffe

Nutzung der Stammzellentechnologie

Mit den drei Wirkstoffen Capilia Longa™, Biotin und Arginin nutzt diese Formel eine Kombination aus Vitaminen, Aminosäuren und Stammzellen aus Pflanzenwurzeln.

Capilia Longa™

Es wird aus Kurkuma gewonnen und reaktiviert den Haarwachstumszyklus und fördert den Übergang der Follikel in die Wachstumsphase.


Auch als Vitamin B7 bekannt, wandelt Nährstoffe in Energie um und fördert die Keratinproduktion für ein stärkeres Bartwachstum.


Eine essentielle Aminosäure, die den Bartwuchs fördert, indem sie die Produktion von Stickstoffmonoxid anregt und den Blutfluss erhöht.

Zusatz für den Bart

Biotin, Zink, Kupfer und Selen - eine einzigartige Kombination, die zur Erhaltung eines normalen Bartes beiträgt


Wie zu verwenden

Das Beard Growth Kit

Verwenden Sie den Beard Roller jeden dritten Tag und tragen Sie den Beard Activator täglich auf.


Sprühen Sie den Beard Roller Cleanser auf den gesamten Kopf des Beard Rollers, um ihn auf den Gebrauch vorzubereiten und Hautreizungen zu vermeiden.


Häufig gestellte Fragen




Folgen Sie uns unter @copenhagengrooming

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Customer Reviews

Based on 16 reviews
So far so good

I have already been your customer back in 2019-2020 when I found your shop online and ordered 150 days of beard growth supply. I then later rebought 150 days and I constantly sticked to my beard growth journey all the way through the covid lockdown phase, which made it a little easier to concentrate on myself and on my routine because our daily lifestyle has been slowed down.

Initially, I am relatively well behaired on my face by my nature and back in 2019 when I was 21 years old I needed the kit to make my already existing beard a little stronger, more consistent and also to fill some empty spots that I didn't like standing alone within my beard. In the first journey I really liked the results, my beard got stronger and healthier. Then I stopped my routine and just didn't care about my beard any more that much, I just took care of it by trimming and shampooing from time to time, but didn't put any products in it.

Now in 2024, turning 26 years old, I decided I would return to your shop and both buy beard as well hair products so I bought both kits for 250 days supply, because I knew the brand and the content behind, I had trust in the products.

So far, I am 2-3 weeks inside my journey, I am so far satisfied, of course I don't expect huge results yet, but I can already see that my hair has become a little thicker and showing better consistence, this is because in the front of my head, the skin is starting to redisappear and my blonde hair is not so clear and blonde any more but rather a little darker and thicker which covers more the front part of my head (the rest of my head is quite well covered anyways so that doesn't give me reasons to worry about) and for my beard, I can see even bigger results, since my hairs have become healthier and stiffer, I trimmed them 5mm the other day and it is growing much faster than in the past (of course, I am very satisfied with your products, but I honestly also have to say that I stopped smoking and I do sports again and taking additional vitamins beside your hair capsules so that in all is also having an impact on the global picture I guess)

Thank you very much,

Best regards

paul mcgivern

I really like the product

The victim

Derma Roller - Really good quality and nice to use compared with other rollers I tried, no squeaking when it rolls, looks good and no fear of it damaging my skin. The cleansing spray is nice I also use it for my electric razor. I would say it's a quality product and value is a matter of perspective, there are definitely cheaper alternatives but the quality is good so I can't complain.

The Sidekick - for me it's a multivitamin and nothing more or less, however I hear a beard can be an indicator of a good or bad diet, so maybe it can help if used with a good healthy diet, which mine is for a sports person 🙂.

The activator - not sure what this does, I think it's a nice product to use and in my opinion may help thicken the existing hairs over time or maybe develop the tiny white hairs you have over time (it won't make hairs grow where there aren't any in my experience), my patches remained the same but I can cover them as my hair has thickened which would happen anyway given time . I continue to use this product as I don't notice it on my face and I want to see if it can thicken my hair over two months or develop the white hairs. I know for a fact it won't grow hair on completely bald patches as that's down to genetics, diet, etc.

For me the products are good, however beware of the marketing name "beard growth kit" - it is specifically designed for aiding beard growth but accept the limits your genetics have . I'm glad I tried it out and I think the products are good quality so I will be looking at Copenhagen Grooming for other products, as like my hair on my head needs shampoo and conditioner my beard has benefitted from using products.


Erg goed, resultaat toont al na 2 maanden ongeveer

Bruno Jaworsky

I'm using it for 30 days and I can see already the results, looking forward to see after 150 days.

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