Skin Improvement Guarantee

Optimize your skin or get your money back.

Our mission is to help men improve their skin, and we have scientifically-backed skincare kits to prove the effectiveness of our product line. However, if after the first month of use, you are not entirely satisfied with your Kream Kit, we have the Skin Improvement Guarantee in place for such instances. 

This guarantee provides you with an additional month to return the products and claim a full refund.

How do I claim?

Follow these 4 simple steps to claim the Money-back Guarantee and receive your refund.

Use the Kream Kit for at least 30 days
Provide photo documentation from before and after youā€™ve used the kit
No results? Click ā€œClaim Guaranteeā€ and wait for email confirmation
Once your claim is validated, please return your products. Please note, you will need to handle the shipping costs. Upon receipt, we will be delighted to issue your refund.

Frequently Asked Questions



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